Wednesday 22 October 2014

Conservative and Labour Eurosceptics obviously have no sense of urgency when it comes to Brexit

We're now living in the most Eurosceptic time I can remember, with Eurosceptics genuinely in Labour, Tories and of course, UKIP. The problem, is that they are not united and those who are seeking unity among us, are going about it entirely the wrong way, with absolutely no sense of urgency at all.

UKIP are now a political force, there is simply no denying it. A 60% electoral victory for Douglas Carswell and a mere 617 vote shortfall by John Bickley in Heywood and Middleton a few weeks ago have proved that, if nothing else, but the party are also now commanding 25% of the vote according to any pollster that bothers to prompt the party in it's questions. Yet still the Eurosceptic Tories and Labour members, cling to their party like it's the last life raft available on the Titanic.

The Conservative party itself, does not wish to leave the EU, the leader doesn't want to leave, the Chairman doesn't want to leave, most of the cabinet do not want to leave and a vast proportion of the overall party, does not want to leave the EU and the exact same applies to the Labour party. Simply put, any hope of turning the Conservative party into THE Europsceptic party, is folly and nothing more and as for the Labour party, you'd have to be on LSD to believe they were going to change to a generally Eurosceptic party. Dan Hannan and various other Eurosceptic Tories have now admitted, that they do not believe David Cameron will actually lead an 'Out' vote in an EU referendum and that Douglas Carswell was completely correct when he said upon leaving the Tories that, "they intend to secure just enough change, that they will convince people to stay in" or something to that effect. Yet they remain within the Tory party and are not in any way, challenging the leadership. The Labour leadership and most of it's party members have categorically ruled out any negotiation on leaving the EU, or any referendum resulting from it.

If we truly want to leave the EU, then the Eurosceptics need to drop this ridiculous idea, that they're somehow going to turn around their own behemoth parties to their own ideas and instead, join the party that is already shouting that it wants to get out of the EU, is already gathering strength to get out of the EU and is doing everything it can, to get out of the EU. Perhaps some perspective can be offered to these people from us, the voters. I for example, can categorically declare, that until we are out of the EU, there is absolutely ZERO chance of me voting for ANY party, other than UKIP. I want out of the EU first, before ANYTHING ELSE and therefore, I cannot bring myself to vote Tory, as I simply do not believe the leadership and therefore, cannot legitimately believe the MPs and MEPs when they say they're genuine about wishing to leave, but cling to their old parties so desperately. This I believe is why Carswell jumped ship, he too has absolutely zero faith in turning the Tory party around and he wants OUT of the EU, first and foremost, the rest, can be dealt with later.

It's time for political reform, it's time for political change and it's time this country made itself great again, by picking itself up off the floor, dusting itself off and going into battle (I don't literally mean a war, I'm not that keen on those) against whatever challenges are thrown at us. There is simply no way to do that, when the party you support has such divided opinion within it. So, Eurosceptics of the Tory and Labour parties, realise this, you will not win back my vote, you will not win back many votes at all from those who've switched over to UKIP, as contrary to what the commentariat, your leaders and your europhile colleagues believe, it is not a protest vote, we're not swing voters, it is a means to an end and we intend to follow it through!

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